Jan 27, 2009

DoOdADs: Carrie reads her poems

DoOdADs: Both Sides

I like to keep things tidy. Yep. I can’t stand a mess.
Otherwise, to find my stuff, I can only guess.
I take care of all my toys, by putting them away.
That way, not a thing gets lost, an’ there’s tons of room to play.
I feel better when my room is clean, all tidy, nice and neat.
I feel calmer, lighter, happier –a feeling you can’t beat!

I like to keep things messy. Yep. I don’t like them clean.
Cause if I put my toys away, I don’t know where I’ve been.
I forget what I was doing, if I tidy all my toys.
It’s like only have silence, when all you want is noise!
Having all my stuff in sight, reminds me what I’ve got.
Sometimes I want new toys, then see – no need! I have a lot!

To be fair, I see both sides. Either way our lives will bloom.
But living would be easier if we didn’t share a room.

DoOdADs: Sick

I’m sick... I need a Popsicle to lick.
I’m cold… I won’t do what I’m told.
I’m hot… I’m uncomfortable a lot.
I’m sore...I can’t stand it anymore.
My head… It feels as heavy as lead.
My nose – hurts every time it blows.
My throat... I need an ice cream float.

I’m sick… this is not a trick!

Make a Compass

How to Make your own Compass

You will need:
a sewing needle
a small dish of water
a magnet
a piece of cork (get an adult to cut a circle off the end of a wine bottle)

Place the round piece of cork on the water in the dish. Then rub the magnet over one end of the pin, but always rub in the same direction. Do this for one minute.
Then place the pin on top of the magnet. The end of the pin that your rubbed, will spin the cork around in the water, until it is pointing North.

Where are South, East and West?
Why do you need to rub the needle with a magnet?

DoOdADs: Dust Bunnies

Dust Bunnies

All day I chased-ed bunnies. They live all ‘round my home.
They’re mini, fluffy, tiny puffs. They like to ‘splore an’ roam.
They like to hide in corners, behind the door, under the bed.
Sometimes they run across the floor, so be careful where you tread.

They’re sneaky lil’ devils, as they hide just outta sight.
But I know all the spots to look with my trusty flash-a-light.
I scoop their fluffy bodies up, then release them to the breeze,
They’ll be happier outside, I think - they can live among the trees.

DoOdADs: Baking Cookies

Baking Cookies

I was warned that this would happen as I stirred the cookie dough.
“Now, if you eat too much of it, a pain inside will grow.”
I didn’t really listen as the 'gredients swirled around.
I took a nip to taste it, then immediately, I was bound.

I couldn’t stop! I ate and ate…a spoonful, here then there.
Before I knew it, most was gone; the bowl was almost bare.
I looked down at my belly. It stuck out beneath my shirt.
And that is when the pain began, the ache - the awful hurt.

“It hurts!” I clutched my tummy as I sat down on the floor.
“Too much…” I cried to everyone, “the cookie dough! No more!”
I moaned as I regretted having taken every bite!
“I should not have eaten all that dough! I know now- you were right!”

There was nothing I could do but wait, the ache would go away.
I knew it must eventually. It couldn’t stay all day.
I sat and waited patiently, and pouted; rubbed my tum,
Then I heard the ding-dong ring… the cookies! They were done!

Well, cookie dough and cookies are two very different things,
For my tummy feels much better once the oven timer rings.
It knows the fix for too much dough is cookies. I am sure.
It doesn’t really make much sense, but b'lieve me, it’s the cure!

Jan 25, 2009

I'm Bored!

-make a fort with blankets and chairs
-write a story
-put on a play or make up a dance

-play with your toys
-bake something (see the recipes section)

-take pictures of things up close
-dress up
(Pirates, Doctors, Gypsies, animals...)
-make play dough or play with plasticine

*What can you add to our list?

After-School Snack Ideas

Easy and healthy. These snacks can be whipped up in a jiffy when schools over and you need some energy for your body and imagination.

cheese and crackers
apple slices and peanut butter
cream cheese and jam on toast/bread - believe me, it's good!
pancakes - add some berries
grilled cheese - you can put slices of meat or pepper on it too
trail mix - make your own (peanuts, raisins, chocolate chips, cheerios, almonds, craisins etc).
soup and crackers

*Share your ideas in the comments section

Jan 22, 2009


Regular Playdough:

1 c. flour
1/2 c. salt
2 tsp. cream of tartar
1 c. boiling water
1 tbsp. salad oil
** Food colouring or glitter

Mix everything in a big bowl while the water boils. Then ask a parent for help to pour the water into the mixture. Stir everything together until it looks like mashed potatoes. Let it cool a few minutes and then you can dive in and play! Store it in an air-tight container in the fridge when you're done, so you can use it another day.

Edible Playdough (Playdough you can eat!!):

18 oz. peanut butter

6 tbsp. honey
Nonfat dry milk
**add raisins or chocolate chips to decorate :)

Wash your hands and then just mix it all together in a big bowl. When you're done playing with it, you can save it in the fridge or put in on toast! Yum

DoOdADs: Swamp Water

Jan 20, 2009

DoOdADs: Dark

There is no Boogie Man, or so says my friend Lou.
There’s no monster in my closet to scare me and say “Boo!”
There’s nothing to be frightened of, in the dark of night.
But if it’ s all the same to you, I think I’ll turn on my night-light
(and keep the door open too!)

DoOdADs: Bare Legs

Bare Legs

I hate leotards, I refuse to wear them.
They cling, they itch,
They make me twitch
And I always seem to tear them.
The crotch hangs low,
They squish my toe
And I simply cannot bear them.

DoOdADs: The Morning Fight

The Morning Fight

I have pretty hair. Everyone tells me so.
But why I have to brush it, I will never know.
Each morning I will argue, before to school I go,
That I don’t need to fix it, just stick in a bow.
My Mom will say “it’s ratty” and I will scream out “No!”
And so she cut it off and now she will not let it grow.

Jan 17, 2009

Cookie Tray Memory Game

Need to fill 10 minutes?

You'll need:
a cookie tray
5 - 15 small objects (depending on the age of the people playing)
a tea towel or small blanket

Go around the house and choose some items that will all fit on the tray. One person is the "sneaker", everyone else looks closely and memorizes what's on the tray. Give them 30 seconds to 1 minute to look at the tray, then cover it with the towel. The sneaker then takes one or two items from under the towel. What's missing from the tray?

To make it harder, add more items to the tray or move the items around, once something has been taken away! Take turns being the Sneaker!

A Faerie

DoOdADs: Miss. Bug



I made myself a snowball
as perfect as could be.
I thought I’d keep it as a pet
and let it sleep with me.
I made it some pajamas
and a pillow for it’s head.
But then last night it ran away
but first it wet the bed.

Totem Pole Craft

Make a totem pole out of a paper towel roll and a little bit of paint.

Jan 15, 2009

DoOdADs: Where I Live

I live on a cloud, where it’s soft and light.
Where the sun shines down on me, warm and bright.
I live in a dream where everything’s real.
I can alter my world to suit how I feel.
I live in the air and float where I please.
I twirl ‘round the stars and dance with the trees.
I live very close in a far away land.
I’ll show you, just trust me, and lend me your hand.

DoOdADs: Mini Whale

I just got a fish tank, but nothin’ lives there yet.
First I’ll put some water in, an’ then I’ll be all set.
My mom said “get a turtle”, my dad said “get a snail”,
And both of those are good ideas, but I think I’d like a whale.
Nothing big or fancy - just a little one will do.
I’ll feed him mini marshmallows and maybe call him Stu.
He’ll like it in my fish tank, swimming to and fro.
He’ll come up to the surface, then take a breath and blow.
Stu will be a great friend an’ I’ll teach him to play ball.
And I’ll keep him here forever, as long as he stays small.

LEAP Word Search