Nov 27, 2011

Easy Peppermint Hot Chocolate!

Candy Manor Peppermint Hot Chocolate from Ezra Pound Cake
Okay everyone, it's almost December!
My grandma used to put up one Christmas decoration a day - but we have to wait a few more days until December 1st... So what's another way to start getting into the Holiday Spirit?

*Peppermint HoChocolate!
Put on the tea kettle (you may need help with this).
While the water boils, add some milk and hot chocolate powder to your favourite mug and mix it with... A CandCane!

Once the water is boiled, ask for help pouring it into your cup and then stir it with your candy cane.
It's delicious :)

*Click on the pictures' links if you want to try fancier recipes!

Peppermint Hot Chocolate from A LIttle Loveliness
Peppermint Hot Chocolate from Martha Stewart

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