Jan 20, 2010


For those of you who don't know, I wrote a poetry book called Doodads (www.CarrieHeyes.com). It sees the world through the eyes of children - as they explore and investigate, imagine, create; all the good things that kids do. But, I was recently asked what genre it was.

Um. Children's? No. That won't do. The book is for adults too. For anyone who remembers what it was like to be a kid and to be able to suspend your disbelief. But it's not a fairy tale, nor fantasy nor science fiction...

What is my poetry book, then? I'm calling it the "SillySense" genre. Where the lines of magic and make-believe are blurred with reality. Where you can be silly, creative, imaginative - where anything can happen! It's the land where kids rule.

So, there you go. Dream on, my Imagination-Masters, dream on!

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